Cookie policy

Cookie policy

When you visit our websites, read, click on or download information and receive e-mail information from us (e.g., brochures) in response to your requests, we receive information by automatic means from or related to your device about how you use the site. We may also use image elements and cookies that may be transferred to your device’s cookie file, depending on the nature of the device. Please see below for more information on this. This information helps us to improve our site for all visitors and to make continual improvements so that the information on our pages can be updated and remains relevant and useful to you.


Device data

The device data our websites collect includes:

  • Technical information, your internet domain name (this may be your internet service provider, e.g. NOS, MEO, Vodafone, or your workplace), and the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet, your login information, browser type and version (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox), your device type, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system (e.g. Windows 10 or macOS) and platform;
  • Information about your visit, including the full click stream of the internet address (URL) to, through and from our sites (including date and time); products you viewed or searched for; page response times; download errors; duration of visits to certain pages, how many and which pages you visited during a session on our site and how long you were on the site, and page interaction information (such as screen swipes, clicks and mouse swipes).

We may receive information about you if you use any other websites operated by us or services we provide. We work with third parties (including, for example, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, payment and distribution services, authentication and fraud support service providers, advertising networks, analytics providers, survey information providers and credit reference agencies) and we may receive information about you from these third parties.



A cookie is a text-only segment of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser, stored on your computer’s hard drive, to help us remember you. Cookies can help a website get information that more quickly matches your interests. Most websites use cookies. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to identify you.

Typically, a cookie contains the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the “expiry date” of the cookie, and a value, which is usually a unique random number.

This site uses two types of cookies:

  • Session cookies are temporary cookies kept in your browser’s cookie file until you leave the website.
  • Persistent cookies are cookies that are kept in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (the length of time depends on the “expiry date” of the specific cookie).

How cookies are used and what information is collected
Session cookies are used to:

  • Allow you to keep your information between the various pages of the site, avoiding the need to re-enter it.
  • To allow you, once you have registered, to access the information stored.

Persistent cookies are used to:

  • Help recognise you as a unique visitor (given that a number is used, you cannot be personally identified) every time you enter the site.
  • Personalise content or adverts to suit your preferred interests or to avoid you repeatedly viewing the same adverts.
  • Compile anonymous and cumulative statistics that allow us to understand how users browse the site and help us to improve the structure of the site. In this way, it is impossible to identify you personally.

For more information about cookies in general and how to manage them, please visit


This list shows the cookies we use and the purposes for which they are used, including cookies from third parties:

Manage cookies – Disable, enable and delete cookies
How to configure and customise your cookie settings for the browser you are using:

You can choose whether to accept or decline cookies by changing your browser settings. However, you may not be able to use all interactive features of the site if cookies are disabled. To find out whether cookies are enabled, please follow the instructions below.

How to manage cookies in Internet Explorer:

In most versions of Internet Explorer, you can access the cookie settings by clicking the Tools option and then the Privacy tab.


How to manage cookies in Microsoft Edge:

In Microsoft Edge, you can access the cookie settings by clicking the More option and then the Settings icon.


How to manage cookies in Firefox:

In Firefox, cookie settings are managed in the Privacy pane of the Options window. See the Options window – Privacy pane for more information about these settings.


How to manage cookies in Chrome:

Click the key icon in the toolbar, select Settings, click under the top tab, then click content settings in the privacy section.


How to manage cookies in Opera:

In Opera, click Settings, Preferences, Advanced, and finally Cookies, to manage cookies


How to manage cookies in Safari:

Select Safari, followed by Preferences and finally click on Security. You can then specify if and when Safari should accept cookies.


To manage cookies on your phone:

Refer to your manual or guide.


Delete cookies

You can easily delete any installed cookies in your browser’s cookie folder. For example, if you are using Microsoft Windows Explorer:

  • Open “Windows Explorer”
  • Click the “Browse” button on the toolbar
  • Type “cookie” in the search box for “Folders and files
  • Select “My Computer” in the “Search In” box
  • Click “Search Now”.
  • Double-click the folders you find
  • Select all the cookie files
  • Hit “Delete” on your keyboard

If you are not using Microsoft Windows Explorer, you should select “cookies” under the “Help” function for information on where to find the cookie folder.


Your options

You have a number of options regarding the accessibility of this information through your device. For example, you can disable or enable location data, depending on the nature of your device. Most mobile devices offer users the option to disable location services. You will often find these controls in the device settings menu. If you have questions about how to disable location services for your device, we recommend that you contact your mobile service operator or the manufacturer of your device.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 19 February 2020.